FDC has considerably increased the volume of pallets over the last twelve months as personal care and high service levels have won the company recommendations throughout its area.
Mick Sutcliffe, operations manager, has over 27 years’ experience within the next day pallet delivery industry and understands the pallet delivery sector well. “TPN’s (The Pallet Network) service regulations are very strict and proactive and that draws customers in,” he says. “We used to be a traditional style haulier but it is clear that it is the TPN service offering that customers really want, allowing us to expand business on last year.”
“There are only five of us in the office and we pride ourselves on giving a personal service,” says Mick. “Whoever takes a call handles that customer all the way through that piece of business”. It gives excellent care and continuity.” Our team here at FDC has 94 years of combined experience in this industry, whilst 2 members of this work force are still in their early 20′s, guaranteeing we have the knowhow, diversity and initiative to succeed where others are not.
The company has seen pallet input grow from 100 pallets a day to 300, and by breaking our record earlier this week of 520 pallets collected in just one day, Mick is aiming to input 400 pallets a day on a regular basis by early next year. It ships a wide range of product including medical products, printing, electronics, house hold products, animal feed, brewery products, vehicle motor parts, rehab supplies, tiles, sweets and wood burning stoves to name a few!
“We’ve just bought four new vehicles and two trailers,” says Peter Allen, M.D, “two tall boys, another 18 tonne wagon and a 26 tonne wagon to keep up with customer demand.”
The Pallet Network and how they help us expand business
TPN – The Pallet Network – is one of the UK’s leading palletised freight distribution networks, offering Next Day, Premium, Economy and Tail Lift services throughout the UK and Ireland as well as Europe and Scandinavia.
The Pallet Network model is proven to be one of the most efficient forms of transport, reducing not only costs but carbon emissions as well – making TPN a cost effective and green solution to your freight distribution requirements.
TPN handles in excess of 37,500 pallets a week through its state of the art, purpose designed 315,000 square foot Hub based in Minworth, West Midlands.
TPN boasts a Membership comprising almost 100 of the best independent hauliers in the UK together with 23 companies who are part of TPN Ireland, with an Irish Hub based in Dublin. TPN and its Members prize quality, not quantity and we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to loss or damaged freight.